In his MK Business News article for October, our chairman expands his case for MK control of our own borders. To read this piece, please click on this link p16 october 2016, then click to open the PDF.
Homes: we are not a dumping ground
In his September piece in MK Business news, Theo argues that a city the size of Milton Keynes should control its own borders and what adjoins them. To read his article please click on p04 september 2016, then click to open the PDF.
Projects have merit but there is nothing new
Chairman Theo questions whether grandmothers and apple opie constitute the vision we need. To see his piece as published in MK Business News please click on p08 august 2016, then click to open the PDF file. For clarification: Theo’s view is that densification, demolition and infilling of failed estates and expansion outside the city WILL NOT PROTECT the things we citizens hold dear.
Champions of a quality environment
In MK BUsiness NewsTheo Chalmers reviews the achievements of the civic society Milton Keynes Forum, founded by a handful of enlightened individuals concerned about the future of our city after the demise of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation. To read Theo’s article please click on p09 june 2016, then click to open the PDF file.
Proposed tallest ever buildings in MK
Chairman Theo Chalmers was interviewed on BBC 3 Counties Radio this morning by Justin Deley asking about the proposed ‘tallest ever buildings in MK’ to be built in Midsummer Boulevard. You can see OneMK’s take on the story, and a picture of the two upended packs of playing cards, here:
Struggle for the soul of Milton Keynes
Patrick Barkham of the Guardian has, this morning, published a brilliant piece about Milton Keynes, which properly represents the struggle between the original vision of our city and the current and recent attempts to destroy it. He mentions Urban Eden and our Chairman feel every one of us should be proud of how slowly but surely we have and are changing the consensus on planning here. You can read Patrick’s article here:
No clarity in mystery of a 1,000-home discrepancy
Oh no! Theo has stirred up a hornets’ nest again. To read his latest piece in MK Business news, please click on p10 may 2016, then click to open the PDF file.
Expansion plans put smooth running of our city at risk
Our Chairman seeks a moratorium on outward expansion until MK Council can make a compelling case. Theo dissects the council’s own numbers in his article in MK Business News. Click here to see his article in MK Business News: p18 april 2016 , then click to open the PDF file.
Expansion: maybe city is big enough already
Theo ponders the council’s politics of obfuscation. What unwelcome surprises lie hidden in our new Local Plan? Click here to see our Chairman’s article in MK Business News: p02 march 2016 , then click to open the PDF file.
Demolition is no answer to housing crisis
Chairman Theo demolishes the council’s arguments for bulldozing estates loved by residents; apparently it is nothing to do with making money. To see Theo’s piece in MK Business News please click here: p15 february 2016 , then click to open the PDF file.