You heard it here first: it is official, there is no vision for Milton Keynes and we are all doomed. Theo’s hard-hitting piece about underhand moves by MKC to destroy the character of the city we love appears in Business MK. To read what he has to say, please click on p16 march 2015, then click again to open the PDF file. Then be angry and demand of your councillors, what is going on behind our backs, without consultation – demand transparency from our council! Above all demand vision for our city.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
An SOS to government over car park fiasco
Theo reports on the fiasco that was the MKC Development Control Committee approval of the Hermes multi-storey car par application, and makes the case for this misguided decision to be called in by Eric Pickles. To read his piece in Business MK please click on p19 february 2015, then click again to open the PDF file.
CAR PARK APPROVED: Councillors accused of cowardice for approving multi-storey at John Lewis
Theo Chalmers had first public slot to address the Planning Control Committee on this Hermes proposal, and is extensively quoted in an article on MK Web today (9 Jan). To read the article please click on Councillors accused of cowardice.
Parking and the signs of our times
To start the New Year Theo Chalmers has plenty to say about the shambles that blights attempts to use our city centre parking, particularly by our visitors. To see exactly what he writes in his regular piece in Business MK, please click on p15 january 2015 and open the PDF file.
All the characteristics of a Clochmerle farce
In October Theo Chalmers had plenty to say about proposals for additional multi-storey car parking in CMK. As developers’ proposals go from the sublime(ly unnecessary) to the ridiculous, Theo returns to this topic in his latest piece in Business MK. To read what he has to say this time, please click on p15 december 2014 and open the PDF file.
Grid Roads: we must make a stand
Still on the theme of our grid roads, Theo Chalmers rails against those who think they know better than the good citizens of Milton Keynes and wish to undermine our heritage. To read what he has to say in his piece in Business MK about those who would abandon our tried and tested grid roads, please click on p15 november 2014, then open the PDF file.
ROADS: Milton Keynes’ grid roads – 7 things to know for beginners
Quote from MK Web, spotted by our member Stuart Copeland: The Urban Eden group, which dubs Milton Keynes the “city of freedom” because, in part, of its roads says mixed use “city roads” are “ridiculous and dangerous”. What is this madness?
A blight on the face of a dear friend
Following a meeting with the parties proposing to build a new multi-storey car park next to John Lewis, in a spirit of enquiry Theo Chalmers questions their real motives. To read his piece in the October edition of Business MK, please click on p19 october 2014, then double click to open the PDF file with the full story.
It’s time to lift this enduring curse
Theo Chalmers despairs at the intransigence of our elected representatives to lifting the curse of the city street, which still bedevils the Western Expansion Area, despite all the promises to reverse earlier disastrous decisions. Are the Council and our representatives on the side of the citizens of Milton Keynes, or are they totally in thrall to developers? To read his piece in Business MK as published this month, click on p19 september 2014, then double click on the PDF file to read what Theo has to say.
An act of folly that can only end in tears
In his July article our Chairman muses on the machinations behind moves to pedestrianize Midsummer Boulevard East. To read what he has to say, please click on p10 july 2014, then double click to open the PDF file.